Time to actually be in Tokyo!
So..it's monday morning and in about 17 hours I will be in Tokyo and It will be 5:05 pm on Tuesday. The whole concept of time change just boggles my mind and makes me feel a little giddy. It's almost as if time travel really exsists...
Well then. San Fransisco is an AMAZING city. I love it here. The weather is beautiful, the city is clean and cool and gorgeous, as you walk down the streets you can hear a multitude of languages, and the signs are all indifferent languages as well. Everyone seems nice and friendly and it's just really fun and pretty. I definatly want to come back since there is so much I didn't see(The Murewoods, Nappa Valley...etc etc).
But how about what I did see?(oh..and let me apologize now for any mispelled locations and misnamed locations)
After Catherine picked us up at the Airport on friday she took us to In-and-Out burger. The food was delicously good fast food. Then we dropped off our stuff and visited Twin Peaks. We got to see the whole city from that view and I was pretty much amazed.

That afternoon Andrew and I were let out on our own near Union square. We walked around a bit, looked in some stores and took in the general splendor of downtown. We tried to visit the MOMA but as it turns out they close the admissions at 5:30. We got there at 5:45. Still, we visited the Metrion and the garden there and it was very nice. Next we decided to check out Chinatown since it was on the way to the wharf.

We went to the main entrance and began walking...and walking, and walking. I had no idea China Town was so huge! It was alos getting late in atlanta time and my legs were killing me so we stayed on the main street though there are so many other streets to see as well. I had fun walking through Chinatown and managed not ot buy anything...which is good for me. After awhile I decided that I was a wee bit tired so we called Catherine and she picked us up. She decided to take us around some more of the city so we visited Coit Tower (which also has an extroardinary view and some very nice murals) and we also got to drive down Lambard street(the very windy steep hill that I would love to live on if I lived in San Fran). It was nice to drive around and when we got home I immediatly went to sleep.

Saturday was more adventure on our own. In the morning Scot drove us around a bit...he showed us Japan Town(I unfortunatly didn't get any pictures since we were driving but that's alright). We tried to go to a museum where there was a Monet exhibit but the line was so long and he didn't feel up to waiting for hours which is good because I didn't want to wait either and would have felt rude saying so. So we saw the outside of the museum and then drove the the ocean. He showed us the Cliffhouse which is a restaurant that's been sitting on the edge of the cliff for a really long time(something like 30 years). It's been rebuilt 3 times and still looks pretty cool. We watched the surfers for a while and tried to look for sea lions. The beach was really wonderful looking. It makes me really want to learn how to surf.

We drove past Golden Gate park and saw Golden Gate bridge(or rather, drove on it) on our way to Sausolito. This place was pretty nice too and we ate lunch at a little restuarant near the water. Then scot let us off on our own and Andrew and I rode the ferry to Fisherman's wharf. The ferry ride was relaxing and it made me want to sail which made me think of dad. There are some gorgeous sailboats on the water, and there are so many of them! When we got to fishermen's wharf there was a large crowd of people so we checked it out and there was
a breakdancing competition going on. It was awesome! these guys could seriously dance. After that we checked out Pier 39 where all the sea lions sit in the sun. They were silly and a little wierd. It was great to see them climbing all over each other. After that Andrew and I decided to walk to lambard street so I could get some pictures and then we caught the Cable car back to union square. From there we rode the Muni(the train system) over to west portal and waited for scot to poick us up. The day was great! I feel asleep during a movie we watched that night...alas.

Sunday was just as good. It was made especially better by the fact that my aunt and uncle were in town for a conference and they had seen me on the wharf. I got in contact with them so that was good.
In the morning we went to church with Scot and Catherine. It turns out Robin Williams has been going to their church for some weeks now and he sat a row or two behind me and andrew. It's a little surreal to see someone that famous but he was really cool and chill and very discreet which was nice. I didn't actually talk to him because I didn't want to be rude. Scot was preaching that morning which was a nice treat for me.
After church Andrew and I ate lunch with My aunt Patti and her friend. It was a very fancy restaurant. I really enjoyed the desert...my first creme brulee ever! it was delicous!
After that Andrew just sort of walked around downtown some more. We were planning to go to the MOMA but went to a cartoon museum instead. It was a neat little museum around the corner from the MOMA. There was a lot of information about lesser known comic artists and indie comics and children's illustrators and such.
Nect we went and saw a movie. Now I had been dying the see the black dahlia and I was expecting it to be great. I wanted so much for it to be a fantastic movie. It was terrible. I've not been so disapointed by a movie since Harry Potter and the Goblet of fire(though I eventually got over that disapointment). Seriously...DO NOT go see the black dahlia. It is really not worth it at all.
To cheer ourselves up after such a disapointment Andrew and I bought some Cds. It was dark by now so I got to see the city at night. It's still really cool. There was this band playing on the street and they had this great sound..chill but with a good beat. Even the guy in the wheelchair was dancing. It was great.
We rode the train back to Scott and Catherine's and that was our night.
Now it's morning and I'm getting ready to go to Tokyo.
here's the link to my photobucket account so you can see more pictures:
So long San Fransisco!
First I like that one of the pictures says JEW. holla. I want to learn to surf too...well maybe snowboard, but the point is when you get back let's become experts at all board sports. Your pics are lovely and I'm so glad you had a good time! Have a safe flight to Japan (although you best call me before you leave) and I can't wait to hear all about it when you get there!!
I love looking at all of these pics and I can't wait to get back to SF in February! You managed to cram a LOT in during those 2 1/2 short days!!
By now, you're in the air, on your way to Tokyo. Amazing! I am so, so thrilled for you...having this adventure that you've dreamed about for so very long.
Keep posting as often as you can; I really enjoy reading this blog. Oh, and more pictures, too!
Love, love, love you!
xoxo Mom
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