When In Tokyo...

This blog is a space to keep track of the year I will spend in Japan. Look forward to pictures, rants, and raves of all things Japanese. I'll also link up to a few other blogs. Please leave me a comment here and there to let me know you're still alive and reading.

Sunday, October 15, 2006


This is just a little note on something pretty specific to me.

Back home I was the type of person who showered every day. I hated going without a shower and always felt gross if I hadn't taken one on whatever day. And I was particularly fond of taking showers in the morning, when I woke up. It just seemed to me, the perfect time.

One of the first things Okaasan told me when I got here is that I would be showering at night, like the rest of the family and most Japanese people. At first, I though 'no problem.' But it's actually more interesting to adjust to. For one, I never feel like showering at night. I am usually focused on school work, spending time with the family, or relaxing so I never feel like actually taking a shower. I still feel like Id love to shower in the morning, expecially since I wake up earlier and usually have a bit of extra time. But I'm not supposed to.

This has resulted in me not taking showers everyday. For me, this is interesting. I still hate the feeling of not having showered...but I'm beginnning to get used to it. It now feels normal to go a day or two without showering. All because of my laziness at night!

Now. I suppose if I were excersizing I would most definatly be showering everyday. But I've yet to develope a steady runnning schedule and find a place for kung-fu practice. So that's not an issue.

And everyday I wash my face at least twice. My face is always a big issue for me so it always gets attention.

But showering? Well...its become a casual thing. It's just wierd to think that changing the time would change my habits that much.

That is all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

omg. that would drive me crazy! i'm like you, i have to shower in the morning, and it has to be everyday. wow, that would take some getting used to. just thinking about it is weird. love ya

9:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You smell. Just kidding! You are saving the world by not showering everyday. Do you know how much water you are now donating to the waterless? I couldn't be more proud. -Honeybear

11:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

my favorite entry so far, cause now we can actually imagine how it feels to be there.

best of luck

3:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Does everyone in the family shower every night? Do they think you are dirty for not showering every night? LOLOL

I love you so much...stink and all ;)


4:19 PM  
Blogger Raquelita said...

Ha ha ha ha ha.
I love you.
This is so funny, but it totally makes sense. At least you probably arent sweating like crazy and stuff... Im trying to imagine the conversation of when you can and cant shower.

4:54 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

So true, so true. I remember having to get used to this myself pretty quickly. Though actually the way things went, I found that I showered more often in Japan than I did before in America, closer to 1-2 days than 3-4. Yeah, I'm terrible with hygeine, still am. But it was definitely an interesting situation.

9:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

wait, why can't you shower in the morning?

in france i always felt weird showering, because they didn't have a shower, just a bath tub with a shower head you could move around, but it didn't mount. and there wasn't a shower curtain, so i was afraid i was going to get a lot of water on the floor. in general, it was just awkward, and i tended to shower... er... bathe when no one else was home.

3:48 PM  

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