Hanami-Appreciating the Cherry Blossoms
I think spring is one of the seasons most looked forward to in Japan. This is due to the blooming of Sakura, or cherry blossoms. The bloom for a brief two weeks or so between late march and april. This is so important that they have forcasts specifically catering to the blooming of sakura.
ON a side note, Tyisha didn't understand at first why they were such a big deal. This was because she thought they bloomed all summer. I also didn't think it could possibly be such a big deal because I heard that Sakura smelled and that it wasn't so enjoyable to go see them because of Hanami.
Hanami is a tradition that Japanese enjoy during the spring. It is essentially a picnic and party underneath the Sakura in whatever park they choose. The most popular are Ueno and a park in Shinjuku area. But Japanese take Hanami, as they do most things including Sakura, very seriously. Commiting to a Hanami invloves planning and work to organize it although once you'ee in the midst of the party it is tons of fun.
In any case, what this leads to is my desire to have a Hanami party. Last week I asked Okaasan about it and the plan was set in motion. At the time however I didn't really know what I was gettng into. Obviously the whole family was going and Tyisha and I as well as Manami invited friends. We planned to havbe everyone bring 1000 yen to help pay for food and drinks and then Manami planned out a menu.
We chose to have it on sunday and apparently that is an extremely busy day to have Hanami. Okaasan told me we'd probably have to go early to look for a spot. I had no idea how early though. She woke me up at 6:30 sunday morning and we got to the park around 7. It was already almost completely full of the blue mats most people choose to use! Some people had stayed during the night gaurding locations. We were lucky though and found a good spot and even had nice neighbors who helped watch it for us when we went home to cook.
Here's what it looked like that morning:

and our spot:

So Okaasan and I headed home to help get things ready. Our menu consisted of Norimaki, waffles, choco banana, popcorn, a type of soup, and donoughts...plus whatever we chose to buy from the store. Manami made the norimaki all on her own and it was delicous! I made all the popcorn using the machine mom brought the family during her visit. Both Manami and I made the chocolate bananas but it was very difficult and I ruyined the last one by getting water into the chocolate which makes it clumpy. We made tables out of old cardboard boxes and everyone showed up at one oclock to carry it all. Our final party consisted of the family, tyisha, me, andrew, yukari, manami's friend Mikti, and friend of okaasan's and her family.
here's the preparation:

ASo after we carried everything to the park we thanked the people who helped watch out spot profusely. They were extremely nice and when they left they gave us their home made seat cushions! When we got there the park was extremely crowded with people. It was still really pretty to me though. All the trees had bloomed and the sakura were gorgeous and I realized that this Hanami thing was actually a great way to appreciate the beauty and festivity of spring. And when the wind blew and petels fell like rain everyone clapped. It was great! We all sat around our homemade tables and ate and drank and talked. It was very fun!

Now...around four oclock most everyone was ready to go home except Andrew, Tyisha, Yukari and I. So everyone packed up most of the stuff and headed home while we stayed to talk and drink some more (up until this point I had been drinking chu hi-a wine cooler type drink- with coke). Right as Everyone was about to leave another neighbor, and odler Japanese guy and his friend, came over and gave us four cups and some of his sake. It was very funny. Then he gave us his Sake and went back to his group! After that the rest of the group went home. Then the guy and his friend came back and sat with us drinking sake and talking! It was so funny and interesting. We sat for at least two hours, probably longer drinking and talking with them. Of course, we had all switched to Sake at this point which is a little more potent than chu hi. Of course, the old guy said that when you drink under the Sakura then you can't get drunk. I find this to be completely untrue^.^
Us with the guys:

As it got later our group decided for some reason we wanted to go out! (it was probably my suggestion) so we packed up the rest of the stuff and headed home. We were all pretty toasty by this point and Otoosan said I could go out when we got home but did say yukari could spend the night. I was very silly and I talked a lot. Andrew eventually went home. The night only got blurrier for me. I did get a little sick and after that hit the sack. Apparently Yukari and Tyisha stayed up late watching tv and talking.
All in all...I can now see why Hanami and Sakura are such a big deal. Sakura are gorgeous and Hanami is about the funnest and most splendid thing I have ever done in Japan. It was also really good for my Japanese considering as the night got later I spoke less and less in English.
I would gladly do Hanami again (though maybe without the Sake). It was a great and interesting experience.
Much Love!
PS:thanks to my mom who still comments on the posts^.^ Also, classes start on the 12th if anyone is curious and I somehow managed to pick up 5 classes again...though I'll go into that in more detail later. The good news is they are mostly on one day so I'm not going to be as stressed out Everyday.
And all my pictures are now uploaded. The Newest albums are Nara-Mom and Rae, Hanami, Strawberry Fields. So check em out^.^
do i get a thanks for being the first to comment on this entry? heh
anyway, the hanami sounds like lost of fun. i miss you, and i feel like i talk about you fairly often, though i can't remember the context really... but anyway, i'm glad you're having fun.
Hanami sounds wonderful! It seems we really came at the wrong time of the year, having missed both the snow festival and the cherry blossoms blooming. Nevertheless, it was a perfect trip and now I have an excuse to go back again. ;)
Love you!
I forgot to add...five classes? Again?? Are they any easier than last semester?
Oh, and one more thing...
What kind of sushi roll did Manami make? I can't tell from the pictures.
I like the idea of people spontaneously clapping when the petals fall like rain. :)
Aww, that looks like so much fun. Apparently sake is very bad for your typing skills also...
I miss you!
Are you recovered from appreciating the Cherry Blossoms?
Love ya!
Everything sounds like so much fun...When I save money lets go back and do all these fun things again!!
hope you had a happy easter!
How was the first day of school?
Hey Jess! Sorry I haven't been on skype. In San Antonio visiting all this week. Hope you are well.
Love DAD!
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