This is a filler post until I can research some more kyudo info for you guys!
That's right, Tokyo has its own real live Pokemon Center!
(apparently there are three but I've only been able to find the one near Tokyo station)
This place opened about 6 or 7 years ago and then it was crazy popular. People had to sometimes wait two hours just to get into the store! Even now, especially on holidays, the store is chock full of little children trying to buy Pokemon paraphanelia, from pokemon dolls, to cards, to school supplies, to food and candy! It's really fun to go in and look around and watch kids frantically beg their parents and grandparents for stuff. I think I'd actually love to work there but that probably won't happen.
I did buy some pokemon cards there. I can't help myself, the critters are so cute!
Here's a pic of the madness:
Is Pokemon still popular anywhere else besides Japan? It seems ages ago when you kids were in the Pokemon craze. This entry makes me a little nostalgic. :)
Love you!
i would like to point out that it's been more than a day since the post before this one. :P i miiiiss you!!! <3
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