Competitive Kyudo
On Sunday I got to participate in my first competition, not as a competitor but as a first year helper with all the jobs that need to be taken care of during competition.
I've learned that there are different types of competitions. For example, the ones usually held at our Dojo are what I thought all competitions were like: two teams shoot arrows (4 in a set) four times and who ever gets the most targets wins.
But it turns out that most of the away competitions are actually different. The way it works is each person only gets one chance to shoot, and you must get at least 3 out of 4 arrows in the target or else you basically just lose. That's it. I was surprised at how simple the rules were and also at how few girls could actually do it. I think there were probably more than a hundred competitors and maybe around twenty could actually get 3 out of 4.
Still, it is really cool to watch people shoot kyudo and exciting to see people actually make the shots. I didn't get to watch the boys, since they competed elsewhere, but I think boys make more hits than girls (at least they do in our dojo). I guess boys have heavier boys, which probably shoot stronger than girls' boys. Still, a lot of Sophia girls made three out of four so it was really exciting. Particularly Suzuki san and Kanari san who are the two best in our club, I think.
Also, we were at a Dojo really far away at a school called SenShu. It was huge! Our dojo at Sophia was probably a qaurter of the size of this one, and this one was much much nicer.
The pictures above are people practicing on straw targets called makiwara. You shoot at a short distance (the distance of your bow) with arrows without feltching so that you can practice form. The girls are all wearing hakama, which most people think look really cool (as do I).
Recently, three of the 8 first years in the club passed their kyudo test so they can all wear hakama now and shoot regularly with the upper classmen. They even got to compete. I probably won't get to test before I leave but I have gotten a lot better. I now occasionally get to shoot at targets and I get to regularly practice on makiwara.
Soon I'll ask if I can take pictures during practice so I can make an entry about it with pictures so when I do you'll see more of what I'm talking about.
Much Love!
Sounds exciting and pointy. So, I'm officially back from travelling now, and I got my postcard, and I love it (though I'm not sure I know how to interpret it). I can't wait to see you in a few weeks and hear about everything! I miss you! -Alice
Archery with screaming and running around! How fun!
Love! Dad!
Oh, I hope you get to test before you leave! Is it something you can continue here when you get home?
More pictures, yes!
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