When In Tokyo...

This blog is a space to keep track of the year I will spend in Japan. Look forward to pictures, rants, and raves of all things Japanese. I'll also link up to a few other blogs. Please leave me a comment here and there to let me know you're still alive and reading.

Monday, May 28, 2007

The Power Suit

Well...I promised I'd put up pictures of me in the suit for Kyudo. Why, you ask? Because I never wear suits, and probably never will for any other reason, in my life. I also think it's funny that I need them for a sport. There are three places kyudo requires first years to wear suits: at kanpa or nomikai (the parties), at competitions, and for taking the school picture. I actually had to wear the suit to class and everyone said I looked wierd, not Jessica like, though very smartly dressed in all. I felt...odd...suits are uncomfortable and I feel out of place in them...but it kind of made me feel a bit more Japanese as well...which is just wierd.

These are pics of me in manami's suit (which is surprisingly just a tad big around the waist) as oppposed to my senpai's suit that I borrowed the first time (which is a tad too small everywhere).

Oh, by the way. Okaasan thought I looked really japanese and I was wondering if black suits are less common in america or something...mostly because all the americans I know who brought suits didn't bring black ones. Okaasan also thought I looked like a, I forger the Japanese word, but someone who is going on lots of interviews for an internship or job right before they graduate. Manami is in that stage now and almost everyother day she's going to interviews and such. She has all these applications and she has to put pictures on each one (see thenikku's recent post for commentary on how to take an ID picture in Japan).
In any case...
Much Love!


Blogger Raquelita said...

You look great! I love the pictures... and the shoes! Lets really move to Japan together! :D

5:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i was going to say both more japanese, and like you were interviewing. guys wear black suits a lot, but maybe girls usually wear colored ones... or blue ones? i've never thought about it before.

by the way, i love the propping of the door with the heel of your shoe. very sexy :P

8:15 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow! I know it feels odd for you, but you look smashing in those pictures. You really favor Rachel in the second pic, too. (I know, you're twins.) Great shoes!

You look all grown up. *sigh*

Love you!!

7:16 AM  

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