When In Tokyo...

This blog is a space to keep track of the year I will spend in Japan. Look forward to pictures, rants, and raves of all things Japanese. I'll also link up to a few other blogs. Please leave me a comment here and there to let me know you're still alive and reading.

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Harajuku in the rain!

Yesterday was a good day.
It has been raining for a couple days now so I havnt been taking too many pictures but I promise to get more soon^.^

So I had to be at Sophia at 10:00 yesterday and ended up getting there at 9:45. Andrew and I sat next to that same Justin guy and another dude and we all sort of chatted about classes and stuff. I found out I may not be able to take the cinema class or either the women's history class because the cinema class has extra cumpulsory hourse during the history class. We'll see though...that may not be exactly right.

So after turning in the registration sheets we grabbed something small to eat in the cafeteria with Justin and the other guy(cant remember his name...it was complicated). We talked for awhile and I invited them to Harajuku with us but they both had stuff to do so Andrew and I went on to Harajuku.

Now....the best day is to go on sunday but I know Ill be going again so I wasnt worried. I just wanted to check it out. Harajuku is amazing! There are so so so many shops. and the clothes is pretty inexpensive too. They have these crepe stands all over the place as well...delicous! And then after you get past this street you get to the other main street that has all the really high fashion expensive stores. Still...its great to see them even if I cant afford any of it. Maybe I'll splurge one day and buy a LeSportsac bag by TokiDoki...(I know Caitlin knows what I'm talking about).
There's also this really amazing store called KiddyLand which has a lot of cute stuff and toys and games and such. I imagine Ill be doing some christmas and birthday shopping there.

For lunch andrew and I tried Wendy's. I always feel a little silly eating at American fast food joints but since Im eating a lot of japanese food I dont feel too bad. It was good...nostalgic even. After lunch andrew and I wandered arpound for a bit. We found an art gallery that Ill have to remember to go back and visit and saw a lot of the actual city part of harajuku. Then..on the way back to the station we found our first 100 yen store! It was pretty much amazing and I imagine Ill be doing a lot of gift shopping there as well. It was really great. There's also Snoopy Land and other great stores. It was so much fun!

I managed to stay up till 9:45 last night. This is a slight imporvement. Im going to beat Jet Lag if its the last thing I do! and if it isnt jet lag anymore but only constant tiredness then Im going to beat that too!
Peace ntill I can think of something else to write!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Jess! Get some Melatonin pills for jet lag, it's a food supplement, and drink alot of water!

Remember, all I want is a rock from the top of Mt. Fuji!

Love! Dad!

2:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I have to comment to every post, simply because I want too and I love reading them and feel like you should know that! Harajuku sounds pretty magical, when I get to Japan, by boat (unless I get lost) we are so gonna hit all the stores and it will be amazing. I can't believe how much you've done in so little time. I'm glad you are making the most of this experience, I knew you would. Ok, I miss you so so SO freakin much. Loooove you!! <3, sara

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I feel like I have to comment to every post, simply because I want too and I love reading them and feel like you should know that! Harajuku sounds pretty magical, when I get to Japan, by boat (unless I get lost) we are so gonna hit all the stores and it will be amazing. I can't believe how much you've done in so little time. I'm glad you are making the most of this experience, I knew you would. Ok, I miss you so so SO freakin much. Loooove you!! <3, sara

2:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooopss..somehow that posted twice...at least you look really popular!!

3:01 PM  
Blogger Raquelita said...

Um, can I just say I am so jealous!!!! But you know what that really means... anyways, I wanna see more pictures!! Rain is no excuse... you should have millions of photos by the end of your trip!!!


12:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm way too jealous of you jess. do they have the le sportsac bag you wanted there? i might have to piss alice off and come and visit you for spring break! love an miss you!-caitlin

6:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are SO going shopping when I get there!!!

Love and miss you sweets,


8:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jess, I truly enjoyed reading each of your updates! I tried to leave a message the other day, but it didn't take it.
I know you are having a wonderful time and it makes me smile to read all your adventures!
I know your Mom and Dad are missing you something aweful, but at the same time truly proud for you!
I am so happy for you, knowing that a nice young lady like you is representing our great country so nicely!
Have a glourious time and you'll be in my prayers for saftey and health!
Auntie Golden (Gaia) ;-)

9:19 PM  

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