Olympic Park
So, this was about a week ago and Okaasan already wrote about it in her blog but I thought I should write about it for a few reasons.
firstly, this was just a great day spent with Okaasan. I really enjoyed walking around the park, and it was beautiful! PLus, I got to see a bunch of runners and walkers and people just being friendly. The park also has a skateboarding area which I thought was cool.
But there were two really great things I liked.
I have to mention I have been trying to find Kyudo lessons for awhile now. Kyudo is traditional Japanese archery where the bow is something like 6 feet long. I like archery a lot and thought it would be a great experience to try my hand at Kyudo. Most schools have clubs but I wasn't aware of one at Sophia so I'd been searching websites for lessons elsewhere...I've had little luck.
It turns out the Olympic park has a Kyudo range, which I guess isnt too surprising actually. So Okaasan and I checked it out. We talked to a student who was very polite but spoke REALLY fast so it was hard for me to understand most of it. OKaasan related what he was saying to me. Apparently Sophia just started a Kyudo club, if I'm didn't misunderstand. I've been having troublke locating it though, and I'm also worried I won't be able to commit the right amount of time, but I'm at least going to see first.
The second thing that was really fun was the dog park. OKaasan and I must have spent an hour or so just watching dogs and children and people in this little area. I have mentioned that Japanese Dogs are cuter for some reason, right? It was really fun and the dogs were all cute. Sometime I'd like to return to just sit and sketch for awhile.
Pictures of the Puppies!

More on my photobucket!
Did I mention Japanese people love to dress up their dogs? It's really quite amazing, and the dogs seem to be used to it too.
Also, the Dog in the Jacket above is apparently a really popular kind of dog, and so costs maybe 200000 yen....that's crazy! But Okaasan says it is so. Okaasan really wants a dog like the one from the movie "The Mask" which seems to be pretty popular here.
That's all for the park!
It seems like the majority of the dogs there are smaller types of dogs...I only saw a few large dogs (like Buddy's size). Maybe that's why they look so cute??
Just to let you know, the biggest kyudojo in Japan (so therefore the world in at Meijijingu...
Kyudo's getting more popular in the U.S., too. (www.kyudo.com).
Good Luck!
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