When In Tokyo...

This blog is a space to keep track of the year I will spend in Japan. Look forward to pictures, rants, and raves of all things Japanese. I'll also link up to a few other blogs. Please leave me a comment here and there to let me know you're still alive and reading.

Friday, January 26, 2007

Movie Night!

Last night Yukari and I had planned to have a "Jane Austen" movie night since we are both big fans of her stories and such. Unfortunatly, we couldn't find Emma, Mansfield Park, or Sense and Sensibility and had to stick with just watching Pride and Prejudice. We also watched Sayuri(you all know it as Memoirs of a Geisha) and My big fat greek wedding. And, at 10 we watched what has become "my Japanese show", something called Hana Yori Dango (the english title is Boys over flowers, although that title does not begin to incompass the puns that are supposedly embedded in the Japanese title). I belive this series is loosely based around the Pride and Prejudice story, what with a poorer school girl coming to battle a rich, snobby School boy and eventually falling in love. It even includes the promotion happy parents of the girl (wanting her to marry rich so that way they won't be poor any more-though they still have their pride) and the cold-hearted mother of the boy who thinks she's no good.

I liked the manga when I read it but I have to say, I love seeig the live action! And for the first time, I feel like I actually think some famous Japanese guys are cute. Anyway, Yukari also enjoyed watching it so I'll probably invite her over next week to watch with me (we were left on a pretty dramatic cliff hanger).

I also want to note, while my Family, and yukari it seems, tend to only rent American movies, I'm always renting Japanese films! It makes me laugh. Oh! Today I also applied and received my Japanese movie rental card! Go me! It was actually really easy, and now I can check out movies!

any other news?
I'm going out tonight (which I probably shouldn't do since I still have papers to finish-but alas) for a friend's birthday. It should be entertaining, and I'm sure I'll make many new aquaintances.

Much Love!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I guess everyone wants to know about the other's culture. What film stars do you think are cute?


8:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Gave your Mom Titi Joanie's gift. Have fun in Sapporo! Say HI! to the Ice Queen for me!

Love, Dad!

1:25 PM  

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