When In Tokyo...

This blog is a space to keep track of the year I will spend in Japan. Look forward to pictures, rants, and raves of all things Japanese. I'll also link up to a few other blogs. Please leave me a comment here and there to let me know you're still alive and reading.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

YAY! Andrew put up pictures!!!

So..andrew put up a bunch of pictures including:
Emperor's Garden
Christmas Eve Dinner
Walking from Suiidabashi to Yotsuya (quite fun)
Patrts of Tokyo Dome City at Suiidabashi

I'm sure he'll update his blog soon but in the mean time check out his albums at:

(I did take a fare share of the pictures as well^.^)
and here's a few of my faves:

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
This is a crazy roller coaster called "Thunder Dolphin". It goes through the ferris wheel and is the best ride ever. Mom and rae, we are going on it when you come^.^

I can't figure out how to make the pitctures smaller so you'll just have to look in Andrew's account!

Much Love!


Blogger Raquelita said...

Um, I don't think so...unless you drag me on that crap screaming and crying.

2:04 AM  
Blogger Jess said...

oh yes..there will be screaming and crying...but we're going to do it and buy pictures^.^

2:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Remember the first time I took you on the rollercoasters at six flags? Jess was like, bah! no sweat! Rache was ready to pass out, but she gutted it out! My brave girls!

Love, Dad!

5:48 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Um, I think I'll be watching! LOL

Good to see some pictures again.

Love you!

9:06 AM  

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