When In Tokyo...

This blog is a space to keep track of the year I will spend in Japan. Look forward to pictures, rants, and raves of all things Japanese. I'll also link up to a few other blogs. Please leave me a comment here and there to let me know you're still alive and reading.

Sunday, December 31, 2006

Akemashite Omedetoo

Happy New Year, That's right, we get it First!!!

So last night was the new year...Woot!
The family went to visit Otoosan's father and I wasn't allowed to come (I'm not actually sure why, think maybe it's a bit too traditional to just be bringing the host student along^.^). I chilled at home and later, when they got back, otoosan let me eat leftovers from the special new years meal. Here, new years is like christmas so all of otoosan's family was at his dad's place and I think Otoosan was so enthusiastic about the food not only because it was delicous but his sister made it. Anyway, it was good food, rice with yummy stuff in it, crab, pork, and things of the like.

Later, around 11:15, Okaasan and I rode bikes to the nearest temple (which I didn't know was there and is huge) near Ikegami station. It's a huge grounds but it was a 20 minute or so bike ride to our specific location where there was: a huge bell, I shrine, a 5 story pagoda, and the big gate like thing like asakusa (except less touristy?). Also, it was crowded with a ton of people, from all over Oota I assume. There were tons of stands selling food and little toys for kids. Okaasan bought a fortune and threw a coin in the shrine. I forgot to bring one and Okaasan explained that in this situation she wasnt allowed to give me one either. Alas. Oh, we saw the monks of the temple do a cermeony too, for the fortunes, and that was neat. They chanted and had on special robes. It was very cool. And when it begins the new year, they strike the hugmongous bell, and then they do it another 107 times. Some people even bought reservations to give a go at ringing it (it takes a team of 6).

In any case...the phrase in the title is what you say instead of good morning, or hello for a set number of days after the new year.
Happy new year!
Much love!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

New Year's sounds very traditional. I'm sorry you had to miss the meal -- and the coin toss -- but glad you had a good time anyway.

Happy New Year Jessica!!

Love you,

6:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year! Love you!

Akwemashite Omedetoo!


6:44 AM  
Blogger Raquelita said...

Feliz anho Jessica! I've missed you so much this holiday, I wish I could be with you just for one day. Im so excited about Japan, I dont know how I'll focus the next two months. Im gonna try and get on skype early enough to catch you the next few days before classes start.

11:01 AM  

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