Melon Pan
It hought I'd talk about Melon Pan (pan is bread in japanese).
Basically, its the best treat here. I don't really know why either. It's just like a small loaf of sweet bread, usually its got sugar on top. It's almost like a really puffy, soft, sugar cookie. And it's so goood! I can't get enough of it really. They've got lots of different flavors too. The japanese are very good at flavors. Still, I like plain melon bread the best.
Anyway, I'm going to try and learn how to make it.
In other small random notes, I got As on ym Japanese and Cinema midterms. (on my cinema test I was one of three students with the highest grade on the essay, go figure). Hmmm...also, I had to do a presentation in women's history. It was supposed to be 15 minutes long and I thought the teacher would stop me at that time. Anyway, when I finished he was like, "yeah, that was 48 minutes, I Just wanted to see how long you'd go"....I think he didn't have anything planned for the class or something.
Oh, and here's a little doodle I did about melon bread and what happens when andrew tries to "share" it with me:

you're so cute. Make a sketch of me and my awesomeness. loveee you!
Hahhahhah! Pan is also bread in spanish! They actually sound like "mayorcas" which are sweet buns they make in PR. Funny cartoon.
Oh my head!!!
Love! Dad!
Hey, the word pan in japanase is written in katakana because they took it from the portuguese/spanish and so it is not a traditional japanese word! I read that in those textbooks we got at Grady. (That's for you too dad!)
I love your cute cartoon! I miss your drawings! I love you!
What do you mean, 'go figure.' Haven't you realized how brilliant you are yet?!?! Congrats on those grades. I think it's funny you ended up talking for 48 who used to hate to talk in front of people. LOL
Being the bread-freak that I am, I think I would LOVE that bread.
That cartoon is sooo sweet. :)
I like melon pan too! I always buy it when I'm hungry and running by the conbini.
The Japanese have some many vending machines... Why are there no snack vending machines? That's what I really want to know.
BTW - I fixed the comments on my blog, so I can finally see your comments that are like three months old. Thanks so much for commenting! See you later.
hah, i love the comic. i miss your drawings!!!
メロンパン! 東京でいい店紹介して!
You can get the melon pan topping in Japanese grocery stores now. It looks like green syrup. You can buy pre-made Japanese bread squeeze it all over the top and bake it. It's not half as good as the melan pan in Japan, but it's ok. The best melon pan place in Tokyo closed down a year or so ago. It was in the middle of Ameyokocho and they had trucks that drive around Ueno. The trucks might still be driving around. Chase them down if you can. It is one of the greatest things in Japan. These buns are one of the reasons I travel from Los Angeles to Japan. Yes, for the bread. Don't ever compare Mexico to Spain to Japan, it's embarrassing. You could not pay me to go to Spain.
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